Friday, July 30, 2010

Field Study Day 4

July 14, 2010

On this day I completed 3 more hours of my field experience. Today was a usual day as always, I am actually surprised to see how great these students attendance is. Hardly any of them ever miss class. I asked Mrs. Flores and she said that it really has to do because they have both parents who work and summer school really helps them keep the student active and also with daycare issues. It hurt my feelings at first to hear that they might use summer school as a day care for the parents but then after a while I realized that maybe what these parents are doing is the best thing a parents can do because the learning benefits the students are getting are incredible. Summer school will not only keep them busy and active but it will keep them fresh and ahead of the game.

Today one of the precious little girls has a bad cold. Mrs. Flores decided to spend some time talking to the students about a cold and what precautions we should take to not get others sick and protect our selves from doing so as well. She told all the students to always cover their mouths when they need to caught and their nose when they need to sneeze. We went over the importance of washing our hands and not spreading germs. As a practice we had all the students wash their hands and remind them when their hands have stuff on them one should always clean them.

The students went to play in the centers and I walked around to play with them and assist them. I really am not very familiar with all of the devices and would hate to make a wrong decision so I decided to help them with the books and their coloring. I also played with the shapes puzzles those are always really fun even for me.

Recess was really interesting because for the first time I saw all the students very engaged and close together. Usually like I had mentioned before at recess they tend to want to do their own thing. Apparently this closeness was due to the fact that they found a lady bug in the play yard. They were all ecstatic about it and made a big circle around. Me and Mrs. Flores went over to tell them not to hurt the lady bug, then we talked a little bit about it and its colors. When it was time to go back inside the students were not very happy to leave it behind and it took several calls to get them in.

Today a new teacher came in to visit. She will be working for the school soon so she stop by to observe and get to know the classroom a bit. Due to this we really spent the whole day doing routine stuff and since she was a new face the students were a bit quiet and proper around her. But like always kept their best smile. That is why I am so in love with these students.

All the days I have been here I have carried my notebook and love to take notes of interesting things and write down all my questions. This has really helped me with my blogs as well. I hope I am giving you all great information about my field study.

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